About me

I'm José María! I'm a PhD in Computer Engineering and I live in Albacete (Spain). I've dedicated my PhD to study human emotions and how we can exploit them to improve UX dynamically (among other things) using Machine Learning.

During the past years I've been sharpening my skills with mainly Python and JavaScript. At this point, I have a good grasp of the usual set of Python tools used to work with data and models (Pandas, Matplotlib and Plotly, Tensorflow) and I'm very proficient buiding applications with Node.js (backend) and Angular (frontend).

I'm also a member of the ISE research group, at the Instituto de Investigación en Informática de Albacete, a.k.a. I3A.

My education

PhD in Computing Engineering

PhD in Computer Engineering at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. From 2019 to 2022. Mark: Cum Laude.

Doctoral Thesis

Mecanismos de Interacción Enriquecidos con Técnicas de Computación Afectiva.

Master of Computing Engineering

Master en Ingeniería Informática (MUii) at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. From 2017 to 2019. Total average mark: 9.31.

Final degree project

Mecanismos de Interacción Enriquecidos con Técnicas de Computación Afectiva.

Bachelor of Computing Engineering in Software Engineering

Bachelor of Computer Engineering at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. From 2013 to 2017. Total average mark: 8.98.

Final degree project

Variación Dinámica del Comportamiento de las Aplicaciones en Función de las Emociones de Usuario.

My research

Building a Three-Level Multimodal Emotion Recognition Framework
In Multimedia Tools and Applications (Q2)
Garcia-Garcia, José María, Lozano, Maria D., Penichet, Victor M. R. and Lai-Chong Law, Effie.


Development of a 3D Avatar to improve the User Experience of a Movement-based Rehabilitation System
In Interacción 2022 (Teruel).
Córcoles Molina, Pablo, Penichet, Victor M. R., Lozano, Maria D., Garrido Navarro, Juan Enrique, Garcia-Garcia, José María and Marco, Félix Alberto.

Interacción '22DOI

Using emotion recognition technologies to teach children with autism spectrum disorder how to identify and express emotions
In UAIS (Q2)
Garcia-Garcia, José María, Penichet, Victor M. R., Lozano, Maria D. and Fernando, Anil.


Iris: a multiplatform and multimodal interactive system to support English teaching at different levels
In Interacción 20/21 (Málaga)
Penichet, Victor M. R., Lozano, Maria D., Garcia-Garcia, José María and Danielov Beletsov, Denis.

Interacción 20/21DOI

EmoTEA: Teaching Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Identify and Express Emotions
In Interacción '19. San Sebastián, Spain.
Garcia-Garcia, José María, Cabañero, María del Mar, Penichet, Victor M. R. and Lozano, Maria D..

Interacción '19DOI

Multimodal Affective Computing to Enhance the User Experience of Educational Software Applications
In Mobile Information Systems (Q3). Volume 2018, Article ID 8751426, 10 pages.
Garcia-Garcia, José María, Penichet, Victor M. R., Lozano, Maria D., Garrido Navarro, Juan Enrique and Lai-Chong Law, Effie.


Emotion Detection: A Technology review
In Interacción '17. Cancún, México.
Garcia-Garcia, José María, Penichet, Victor M. R. and Lozano, Maria D..

Interacción '17DOI

My projects

Hera System
Three-level multimodal system to detect emotions.

The Hera System (previously Tot), offered in the form of API, is a server-based system designed to aggregate heterogeneous data coming from different automatic emotion detectors.

Los Textos de Tir
Blog for book reviews

PHP blog made from scratch using PHP, JS and Bootstrap to hold my personal book reviews.

Tau Prolog
A Prolog interpreter in JavaScript

Tau Prolog is a Prolog interpreter fully implemented in JavaScript. While most online interpreters are remote servers with an installed version of the interpreter which receive code, execute it and return the results, Tau Prolog is fully implemented on JavaScript and the code is analysed and parsed on the client side.

Serios game designed to teach English to Spanish children combining affective technology and gamification.

The main goal of this project was to build an affective prototype which was capable of adjusting its behaviour to the users' emotions automatically.

A quote from a book I've read as a present! :D

"How about my heart?" asked the Tin Woodman. "Why, as for that," answered Oz, "I think you're wrong to want a heart. It makes most people unhappy. If you only knew it, you are in luck not to have a heart."
L. Frank Baum, «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz»